miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012

Un tranvía llamado deseo

Segun fuí leyendo en este texto me llevo a recordar a la materia `Salud y Adolescencia´ ya que vimos un concepto llamado sociedad dual. Recordé este concepto porque vi reflejado en la caracteristicas de los personajes Blanche y Stella marcadas diferencias en su forma de vida, educación y otras cosas. Por ahora el cuento me resulta atractivo asi que estoy entusiasmado en seguir leyendo.

lunes, 9 de abril de 2012

Description of a character by Nazareno Gil Lucastegui and Demian Guerra

In the story “Secrets” there is a character called Mary who is the grandaunt. Mary was very ill, she was on her death bed. Also in the story she was betrayed by his nephew.
Mary was a woman who seemed to get smaller each year. Her skin was fresh, her hair white and waved and always well washed. Although, when she was on her death bed her face seemed to have shrunk, her white hair was damped and pushed back from her forehead. She twisted her head from side to side, her eyes closed. When she was young she had a long dark hair, her eyes that said very much without words. Mary was very spiteful, for example with the attitudes she had towards the betrayal of her nephew. Apart from this I think that she was in love so much with a man for whom she suffered a lot because they were separated because he was in war. Despite of this they continue sending letters and having a love relation. This shows her as a very strong and faithful woman.
Taking into account all this, I will represent “Mary “ by two animals, the lion because she had a very hard personality, also she was strong, and that is why I choose this animal. The other animal I think that represents her is a swan because I think that she also represents love.
In conclusion, I think that the quote that best shows as “Mary” is, it is  “`A-A-A´, she moved her pen from side to side. ` Anything else, yes! That section, no!´” This quote represents her because you can see how much she is interested in her private life and how important it is for her.

martes, 3 de abril de 2012


To be an astrologer you will need to follow this tips:

-Induce the people to think that you can tell them the future.

-Never talk about your family because you may fail 

-Use the points money, love and friendship as a key to keep the game going.

-Using masks or something because If you fail you can go away and they don´t recognise you.

-Simulate a kind of conection with someone that give you information.

-Every single day try to simulate another appeareance.